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Die Lange Nacht der Forschung - Forschung live erleben! 2024 Mai 24th - von 17 Uhr bis 23 Uhr
Bei Dr. Bohrer Lasertec, Live-Präsentationen, Experimenten zum Zuschauen, Mitmachen und Staunen, hier bietet die Lange Nacht der Forschung für alle etwas: Für Wissenschaftsprofis und solche, die es werden wollen, für Menschen die an Fortschritt durch Innovation glauben, für Abenteuerlustige und Neugierige, für die Um-die-Ecke-Denker(innen), für Tüftler(innen), für kleine und große Entdecker(innen) und für alle, die es ganz genau wissen wollen.
A visit by the Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Leonore Gewessler, BA 2022 September 15th
From left to right: Top Candidate of the Green Party for the capital of Burgenland Anja Haider-Wallner, Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Leonore Gewessler, BA, Dr. Markus Bohrer, Mag.a Michaela Kogler-Bohrer, Spokeswoman of the Green Party and Member of the Burgenland Landtag Mag.a Regina Petrik: Picture: Helmreich Fotografiert
Staatspreis 2021 / Special ECONOVIUS prize awarded to Dr. Bohrer Lasertec GmbH 2021 November 3rd
From left: Mag. Amelie Groß (Vice President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ)), PD Dr. Markus Bohrer (CEO Dr. Bohrer Lasertec GmbH), Dr. Margarete Schramböck (Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs) – Picture: Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH / APA-Fotoservice / Martin Hörmandinger
As part of the State Prize for Innovation (Staatspreis Innovation 2021), the Austrian Chamber of Commerce awards the special prize ECONOVIUS to an SME that is characterized by particularly innovative services. WKÖ Vice President Amelie Groß presented this year's ECONOVIUS to Dr. Bohrer Lasertec GmbH for the project “Better than new. High-performance high-frequency amplifier in planar design for industrial CO2 lasers ”. “The local small and medium-sized enterprises in particular impress with their innovative strength and are therefore an important source of inspiration for the Austrian economy. In the currently particularly challenging times, it is all the more important to motivate our companies and also to make their enormous innovation achievements visible. Because every new innovation is valuable and helps us on the way to a successful future for our business location, ”emphasizes Amelie Groß, Vice President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ).
Mayoress of Neusiedl am See, Mrs. Elisabeth Böhm, with CEO Dr. Markus Bohrer
Photo: Franz Helmreich
Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Weinberger with visitors
Photo: Franz Helmreich
More than 200 visitors came to us
Photo: Franz Helmreich
Amongs them many young future researchers
Photo: Franz Helmreich
Die Lange Nacht der Forschung - Forschung live erleben! 2022 Mai 20th - von 17 Uhr bis 23 Uhr
Bei Dr. Bohrer Lasertec, Live-Präsentationen, Experimenten zum Zuschauen, Mitmachen und Staunen, hier bietet die Lange Nacht der Forschung für alle etwas: Für Wissenschaftsprofis und solche, die es werden wollen, für Menschen die an Fortschritt durch Innovation glauben, für Abenteuerlustige und Neugierige, für die Um-die-Ecke-Denker(innen), für Tüftler(innen), für kleine und große Entdecker(innen) und für alle, die es ganz genau wissen wollen.
Meeting with the Secretary General of the Industrial Association at Danube Private University 2021 April 14th
From left: Manfred Gerger MBA (President IV Burgenland), Johann Bock (Vice President IV Burgenland), Dr. Ingrid Puschautz-Meidl (CEO IV Burgenland), Mag. Christoph Neumayer (Secretary General IV Austria), PD Dr. Markus Bohrer (CEO Dr. Bohrer Lasertec GmbH), Robert Wagner MA (Director DPU) – Picture: DPU
The Industrial Association (IV) visited together with the managing director of the Burgenland company Dr. Bohrer Lasertec GmbH, PD Dr. Markus Bohrer, on April 14th the Danube Private University (DPU) and was able to convince themselves of the teaching and research facilities of the DPU. Then Director Robert Wagner (DPU) presented their strategic plans to the Secretary General of the IV, Mag. Christoph Neumayer, and IV Burgenland, represented by CEO Dr. Ingrid Puschautz-Meidl, President Manfred Gerger and Vice-President Johann Bock for Lower Austria and Burgenland, for which the IV pledged its full support. The aim of the DPU is to align its research strategy more towards domestic industry and thus to promote innovation in the field of medicine and technology together with Austrian companies. In particular, the plans of the DPU in Burgenland interested the Burgenland representatives of IV. It was agreed to work closely together in medical research.
Cooperation of Danube Private University and Dr. Bohrer Lasertec GmbH 2021 March 26th
From left: Dr. Florian Pfaffeneder-Mantai, Director Robert Wagner, Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Markus Bohrer, Dr. Erich Kny, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Christoph Kleber – Picture: DPU
Danube Private University (DPU) and Dr. Bohrer Lasertec GmbH agreed on a joint cooperation for laser research in medicine, health and preservation of the environment in Burgenland. There will be a focus on additive manufacturing with lasers and structuring of implants and analysis with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy-Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).
1st prize for Innovation as best SME 2020 December 3rd
From left: Dr. Markus Bohrer, Mag. Michaela Kogler-Bohrer, Mag. Harald Zagiczek, Landesrat Dr. Leonhard Schneemann – Picture: Franz Helmreich
On December 3rd 2020 Dr. Bohrer Lasertec has been awarded with the 1st prize for Innovation as best SME by the government of Burgenland.
Visit of Dr. Martin Selmayr 2019 December 10th
From right: Dr. Martin Selmayr (the former Secretary-General of the European Commission), Dr. Markus Bohrer – Picture: Franz Helmreich
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Visit us @ SPIE Photonics West 2017 Exhibition Exhibition Dates: 31 January - 02-February 2017
Location: San Francisco, California, United States, Booth Number: 5265
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Documentary - Stolz auf Österreich - Die Industrie unseres Landes [DE]
ORF radiotalk
25 November 2015
Following the award as 'Research, Technology and Innovation' personality of the year 2015 the governor Hans Niessl invited Markus Bohrer to the ORF radio station in Eisenstadt.
Innovationspreis 2015: Sonderpreis FTI-Persönlichkeit - Markus Bohrer [DE]
12 November 2015
„We traveled a lot, and have seen other competitors, but this is far beyond anything we have seen!“ - Karen M. B. Taminger, NASA
„Dr. Bohrer is the Formula 1 of laser technology!“ - Klaus Emiljanow, MTU/DaimlerChrysler
In spite of this recognition our most important guideline is still: "Our customers don't care how much we know, until they first know how much we care." We push ourselves every single day to serve our customers as good as we can. And we go the extra mile!
One of our philosophies
"Our customers don't care how much we know, until they first know how much we care."
- Inspired by Zig Ziglar